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待 : Wait
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Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 彳 (60) |
Usage Rating: | 391 |
Unicode: | 05f85 |
jis208: | 34-52 |
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待 Usage examples
立ち待ち月 | 17-day-old moon |
辻待ち 辻待 | vehicle waiting to be hired |
待ち明かす | to wait all night |
待ちあぐむ 待ち倦む | to tire of waiting |
待ち暮らす | to wait all day |
逸を以て労を待つ | to wait for the enemy to tire at ease |
鶴首して待つ | to wait expectantly, to be full of anticipation, to long for |
機が熟すのを待つ | to wait for a ripe moment |
期待薄 | not to be depended on, of little hope |
招待にあずかる 招待に与る | to receive an invitation |
信号待ち | waiting for a traffic light |
時を待つ | to wait for a favorable chance, to wait for a favourable chance |
待ちくたびれる | to get tired of waiting |
待遇改善 | improvement of labor conditions (labour) |
待避所 | turnout, passing-place |
特別待遇 | special treatment |
宵待草 | evening primrose |
児童虐待 | child abuse |
性的虐待 | sexual abuse |
待たす | to keep (a person) waiting |
期待権 | expectant right (as opposed to a vested right), contingent right |
待てど暮らせど 待てど暮せど | despite having waited a long time, in spite of having waited a long time |
待った | backsies (called when taking back a move in a game) |
人事を尽くして天命を待つ | Man proposes, God disposes, Man does what man can do then awaits the verdict of heaven or fate |
待ちに待つ | to wait for a long time, to wait and wait, to eagerly await |
配偶者虐待 | spousal abuse |
空席待ち | stand-by (on an airplane) |
楽しみに待つ | to wait expectantly, to await in anticipation |
待避壕 | bomb shelter, dugout, trench |
期待外れ 期待はずれ | disappointment, let-down |
キャンセル待ち | waiting list (waiting for a cancellation) |
キャン待ち | waiting list (waiting for someone to cancel) |
歳月人を待たず | Time waits for no-one, Time and tide stay for no man |
お待たせしました | Thank you for waiting, Have I kept you waiting? |