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態 : Attitude
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attitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs)
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 353 |
Unicode: | 0614b |
jis208: | 34-54 |
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態 Usage examples
つかず離れずの態度 付かず離れずの態度 即かず離れずの態度 | neutral attitude |
冷ややかな態度 | cold attitude |
安定状態 | steady state, stable state |
定常状態 | steady state |
有限状態文法 | finite-state grammar |
衛生状態 | sanitary conditions |
混乱状態 | state of confusion |
心理状態 | state of mind |
精神状態 | mental condition, state of mind, mentality |
静止状態 | (in) a state of rest |
接客態度 | service |
戦争状態 | (enter into, be in) a state of war |
危篤状態 | critical condition |
財政状態 | financial condition |
植物状態 | vegetative state |
騒乱状態 | state of rebellion |
非常事態政府 | emergency government |
無政府状態 | anarchy, state of anarchy |
無法状態 | lawlessness |
臨戦態勢 | war preparation |
態とらしい | unnatural, affected, studied, forced |
協力態勢 | readiness to cooperate, framework for cooperation |
虚脱状態 | state of lethargy, absolute bewilderment, daze, mental numbness |
恍惚状態 | state of ecstasy (rapture), trance, senile dementia |
昏迷状態 | befuddled (bewildered, confused) state, stupor |
混迷状態 | chaotic state, turmoil, disarray, labyrinth |
錯乱状態 | state of (mental) confusion (agitation) |
山容水態 | scenic beauty of mountains and streams |
世態人情 | (contemporary) customs and behavior |
千態万状 | an endless variety of forms, multifariousness |
態度物腰 | attitude and demeanor |
停頓状態 | standstill, deadlock, stalemate, doldrums, stagnant conditions |
放心状態 | being in abstraction, being dazed, being absentminded, stargazing |
軟禁状態 | (state of) house arrest, (state of) confinement |
団子状態 | being bunched up together, being crowded together |
変態性 | sexual perversion |
一形態 | one form (of), a form of |
心肺停止状態 | (in a) state of cardiopulmonary arrest |
依存状態 | state of dependence |
警備態勢 | security measures |
小康状態 | state of reduced activity, lull, state of abeyance |
態 | style, way, shape, form, appearance, state |