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代 : Substitute
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substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., generation, charge, rate, fee
か.わる かわ.る かわ.り か.わり -がわ.り -が.わり か.える よ しろ
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 66 |
Unicode: | 04ee3 |
jis208: | 34-69 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
代 Usage examples
職能代表制 | vocational representation system |
末代物 | durable article |
食い代 | food expenses |
風呂代 | fee charged at a public bath |
成り代わる | to do in place of or on behalf of (someone) |
入れ代わり 入れ代り | substitution, replacement, shifting, change |
大御代 | glorious reign of the Emperor |
玉代 | time charge for a geisha |
薬の代 | cost of medicine |
研削代 | grinding allowance |
古代裂れ | ancient cloth fragment |
三岐代表 | representative of Gifu and Mie prefectures |
昭代 | glorious reign, enlightened era |
時代と共に歩む | to move along with the times |
時代の弊 | abuses of the times |
千九百年代 | the 1900s |
大正の代 | Taisho era |
代が変わる | to change hands, to be succeeded |
代数的和 | algebraic sum |
代替エネルギー | alternative energy |
代代伝わる | to be transmitted (handed down) from generation to generation |
千代女 | name of a haiku poetess |
取り代 取代 | portion |
御霊代 | something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead |
原子力時代 | atomic age |
現代英語 | current (present-day) English |
現代劇 | contemporary drama |
現代史 | contemporary history |
現代版 | modern version (e.g. of Italian Renaissance architecture) |
古墳時代 | Kofun period (of Japanese history, 250-538 CE), Tumulus period |
時代考証 | background research, research into the period |
世代交代 | alternation of generations |
洗濯代 | laundry charges |
代議員会 | conference of representatives |
年代物 | antique |
物質代謝 | metabolism |
弁当代 | lunch money |
法定代理人 | statutory representative, legal representative |
始生代 | Archaeozoic (Archeozoic) Era |
大代表 | main (switchboard) number, main telephone (phone) number |
綴じ代 | binding margin, gutter, seam allowance |
バブル経済時代 | bubble economy era |
エネルギー代謝 | energy metabolism |
核相交代 | alternation of nuclear phases |
代 | pronoun, on behalf of, for (someone) |
獲得代議員数 | delegate count |
株主代表訴訟 | shareholder lawsuit |
近代オリンピック | modern Olympics |
現代医療 | modern medicine |
古代オリンピック | ancient Olympics |
高度成長時代 | high-growth era |
次世代携帯電話 | next-generation mobile phone |
身代金要求 | ransom demand |