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Strokes: | 11 |
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Usage Rating: | 160 |
Unicode: | 07b2c |
jis208: | 34-72 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
第 Usage examples
事と次第で | if things permit, under certain circumstances |
第一級殺人 | first-degree murder |
第3種郵便物 第三種郵便物 | third-class mail matter, (item sent by) third-class mail |
登第 | passing the examination |
便の有り次第 | on the first opportunity |
第一次 | the first ..., primary |
第三次 | the third ..., tertiary |
第二部 | second division, secondary division |
出世第一主義 | careerism |
第三者割当増資 | third-party allocation of shares |
第三政党 | third party |
東証第一部 | First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange |
面目次第 | face, honor, reputation |
開巻第一 | at the very beginning of a book, The book opens with ... |
気分次第 | according to (depending on) the mood of the moment |
実力次第 | if one is good (competent, talented) enough |
第一義的 | basic, primary, fundamental |
天下第一 | the best in the land, the best of its kind in the country, par excellence in the whole country |
天気次第 | being dependent on what the weather is like |
当代第一 | the greatest of the day |
到着次第 | upon arrival of an item (items), as soon as one arrives |
必要次第 | as necessary (needed), if necessary (needed) |
劈頭第一 | at the outset, at the very beginning, in the first place, to begin (start) with, first and foremost |
本人次第 | being up to the the person himself |
模様次第 | according to circumstances, dependent on the state of things |
様子次第 | according to circumstances, depending on the state of things, according to how the situation develops |
呈示次第 | at (upon) presentation, when presented |
返答次第 | depending on the answer, hinging on the reply |
次第次第に | gradually |
第一次上海事変 | Shanghai Incident, January 28 Incident (1932) |
第二次上海事変 | Battle of Shanghai (1937) |
第三のビール 第3のビール | cheap, malt-free beer-like alcoholic beverage |