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宅 : Home
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home, house, residence, our house, my husband
け たか たけ や やけ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 宀 (40) |
Usage Rating: | 357 |
Unicode: | 05b85 |
jis208: | 34-80 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
宅 Usage examples
留守宅 | house where the family is out |
宅の子供 | my (our) child |
高級住宅地 | exclusive residential district |
住宅手当 | housing allowance |
住宅費 | housing costs (expenses) |
住宅問題 | housing problem |
プレハブ住宅 | prefabricated house |
自宅軟禁 | house arrest |
住宅ローン | housing loan, mortgage |
新規住宅着工件数 | housing starts |
自宅謹慎 | house arrest |
火宅無常 | This world is uncertain (cruel) like a burning house |
木造住宅 | wooden house, woodframe house |
大邸宅 | mansion |
住宅扶助 | housing assistance |
宅飲み 宅呑み | drinking at home (as opposed to going out) |
自宅飲み | drinking at home (as opposed to going out) |
宅送 | home delivery |
宅電 | home telephone |
在宅医療 | home healthcare, medical treatment received at home |
宅地建物取引主任者 | registered real-estate broker |
宅建 | registered real-estate broker |
独立住宅 | single or detached house |