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託 : Consign
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consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint
かこつ.ける かこ.つ かこ.つける
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 1021 |
Unicode: | 08a17 |
jis208: | 34-87 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
託 Usage examples
託かる | to be entrusted with, to be asked to |
屈託のない 屈託の無い | carefree, free from worry |
託言 | message (esp. oral), excuse, plea |
髀肉の嘆を託つ | to fret from forced idleness |
病気に託けて | under the pretext of ill health |
委託研究 | contract research |
委託販売 | consignment sale |
預託金 | deposit |
ユニット型投資信託 | unit-type investment trust |
委託売買 | consignment sales and purchase |
委託保証金 | margin money |
株式投資信託 | stock investment trust |
業務の外部委託 | outsourcing |
信託基金 | trust fund |
昼間託児所 | day-care center, day-care centre |
米国預託証券 | American depositary receipt, ADR |
託児施設 | child-minding facility |
再委託 | reconsignment (goods), recomissioning (task) |
肩代り信託証書 | wrap-around deed of trust |
信託報酬 | trust fee |
受託者 | trustee, assignee, consignee |
委託者 | consignor |