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脱 : Undress
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undress, removing, escape from, get rid of, be left out, take off
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 782 |
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脱 Usage examples
軽妙洒脱 | witty, smart and polished |
靴脱ぎ石 沓脱ぎ石 | stepping stone |
脱石油 | extrication from dependence on oil |
脱炭酸 | decarbonation |
脱気水 | de-aired water |
亜脱臼 | subluxation |
虚脱感 | despondency |
脱サラ | setting oneself free from the life of a white-collar worker, quitting a job as a salaryman and launching an independent business |
シャッポを脱ぐ | to concede defeat, to surrender |
円形脱毛症 | alopecia areata |
脱水症状 | dehydration |
脱窒 | denitrification, denitration |
脱がせ屋 | persons who convince female celebrities to pose nude for photoshoots |
脱衣室 | changing room, dressing room, locker room |
還元脱脂乳 | reconstituted skim milk |
円滑洒脱 | being smooth, free and easy, refined and unconventional |
滑稽洒脱 | smooth-talking and polished, witty, free, easy, and urbane |
脱がす | to strip someone, to help someone remove (clothes) |
脱亜入欧 | leave Asia, enter Europe (said by Fukuzawa Yukichi) |
虚脱状態 | state of lethargy, absolute bewilderment, daze, mental numbness |
杜撰脱漏 | careless (slipshod) and with many omissions |
性的逸脱 | sexual deviation, sexual anomaly |
脱線行為 | aberration, aberrant behavior, eccentric (erratic) behavior, indulging in an escapade |
幽体離脱 | out-of-body experience |
脱磁 | demagnetization, demagnetisation, de-Gaussing |
危機を脱する | to escape danger |
脱水反応 | dehydration |
脱着 | removing and installing, desorption |
脱構築 | deconstruction (as in the term coined by Jacques Derrida) |
脱工業化 | post-industrialization |
脱北 | successfully fleeing from North Korea |
脱北者 | people who have successfully fled from North Korea, North Korean defectors |
脱獄犯 | escaped prisoner, fugitive |
脱走者 | escapee, fugitive |
潜脱 | circumvention of the law, evasion of the law (by using legal means to obtain a result normally only obtainable by illegal ones) |