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炭 : Charcoal
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Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 灬 (86) |
Usage Rating: | 1307 |
Unicode: | 070ad |
jis208: | 35-26 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
炭 Usage examples
炭火 | charcoal fire |
炭団 | charcoal briquette |
炭肺 | black lung |
炭疽病 | anthrax |
炭素化合物 | carbon compounds |
炭焼き 炭焼 | charcoal-roasted, charcoal-grilled |
炭塵 | coal dust |
炭塵爆発 | explosion of coal dust |
炭酸紙 | carbon paper |
炭酸同化作用 | carbon dioxide assimilation |
炭窯 | charcoal kiln, charcoal pile |
炭質 | coal quality |
滲炭鋼 | cement steel |
亜炭化物 | subcarbide |
高炭素鋼 | high-carbon steel |
次酸化炭素 | carbon suboxide |
重炭酸ソーダ | baking soda, sodium bicarbonate |
石炭の層 | coal seam, coal bed |
節炭器 | coal (fuel) economizer, coal economiser |
炭酸で割る | to dilute with soda |
炭柱 | coal pillar |
脱炭酸 | decarbonation |
揚炭機 | coal hoist, coal unloader |
炭取り 炭取 | charcoal scuttle |
海底炭田 | submarine coal field |
環式炭化水素 | cyclic hydrocarbon |
炭素クレジット | carbon credit |
炭疽菌 | Bacillus anthracis (anthrax bacteria) |
腸炭疽 | intestinal anthrax |
二酸化炭素削減義務 | carbon dioxide reducing obligation |
二酸化炭素削減目標 | CO2-reduction goal |
二酸化炭素排出権 | right to emit carbon dioxide |
肺炭疽 | inhalation anthrax |
皮膚炭疽 | cutaneous anthrax |
炭カル | calcium carbonate |
木炭自動車 | wood gas vehicle |
木炭車 | wood gas vehicle |
活け炭 埋け炭 | banked fire, live charcoal banked up and covered with ash |
胃腸炭疽 | gastrointestinal anthrax |
混炭 | coal blending, coal mixing |
炭素税 | carbon tax |
炭酸ガス | carbon dioxide (gas) |
炭素中立 | carbon-neutral |