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短 : Short
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short, brevity, fault, defect, weak point
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 矢 (111) |
Usage Rating: | 689 |
Unicode: | 077ed |
jis208: | 35-27 |
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短 Usage examples
軽薄短小 | small and light |
短小 | short and small |
短毛 | short hair |
短毛種 | short-haired |
短文 | short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition) |
短水路 | short course (swimming) |
短日 | short time |
短日月 | short period of time |
短日植物 | short-day plants |
短打 | base hit, one-base hit, single |
短句 | short phrase |
短兵急 | impetuousness |
短見 | narrow view |
短足 | short legs |
短夜 短か夜 | short summer night |
短音 | short sound |
短音階 | minor scale |
短時日 | short period of time |
短期手形 | short-term bill |
短期貸付 | short-term loan |
短評 | brief comment or criticism |
短軸 | minor axis |
短距離離着陸機 | plane able to make short takeoffs and landings |
短靴 | shoes |
短資 | short-term loan |
短髪 | short hair |
短慮 | imprudence, quick temper |
短編映画 | short film |
短躯 | short stature |
短期間 | short term, short time |
栄養短 | Junior College of Nutrition |
短筒 | pistol, revolver |
短路 | short circuit |
短すぎる 短過ぎる | to be too short |
最短距離 | shortest distance (to) |
短期決戦 | decisive battle of brief duration |
短期集中講座 | short, intensive course |
短大生 | junior college student |
短波受信機 | short-wave receiver |
短波放送 | short-wave broadcasting |
短編集 | collection of short stories, collected short stories |
短め 短目 短かめ 短か目 | rather short, somewhat short |
短母音 | short vowel |
政府短期証券 | financing bill, FB |
短期ローン | short-term loan |
短期国債 | treasury bill, TB |
短パン | shorts, short pants |
短慮軽率 | impulsive and imprudent, rash and unthinking |
一徹短慮 | stubborn and short-tempered |
短慮性急 | short-tempered and impatient |
胴長短足 | having a long torso and short legs, long-bodied and short-legged |
短角牛 | shorthorn, short-horned cattle |