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端 : Edge
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edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape
はし は はた -ばた はな
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 立 (117) |
Usage Rating: | 960 |
Unicode: | 07aef |
jis208: | 35-28 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
端 Usage examples
末端価格 | retail price, street price |
異端視 | heresy |
海岸端 | seaside |
木の端 | fragment of wood |
極端に走る | to go to extremes, to go to excess, to go too far |
戦端を開く | to open hostilities, to take up arms (against) |
紐の端 | end of a string |
道の端 | edge of a street |
山の端 | edge (brow) of mountain |
先端支持力 | end bearing capacity |
陸上端局装置 | land terminal equipment (of a submarine cable) |
主要部終端型 | head-final |
最北端 | northernmost tip (of country) |
出力端子 | output terminal |
先端医療技術 | state-of-the-art medical technology |
端子台 | terminal block (electrical) |
外端 | outer edge, outer end |
異端邪説 | heretical doctrine (thought, faith) |
万事万端 | everything, all things, all affairs, all matters |
用意万端 | every preparation possible, all aspects of the preparation |
初っ端 | the very beginning |
資性端正 | being of an upright character, being of a noble nature |
首鼠両端 | sitting on the fence |
準備万端 | every preparation (arrangement), all sorts of preparations |
端役女優 | bit-part actress, actress with a minor part |
半端仕事 | odd job |
容貌端正 | having handsome and clean-cut features |
年端もいかない 年端も行かない 年端もゆかない | of tender years, very young |
年端もいかぬ 年端も行かぬ | of tender years, very young |
片っ端 | one edge, one end, one side |
端ミシン | machined edge, edge-stitched seam |
西端 | western edge (e.g. of city), west side |
下端 | lower portion, the base surface of something |
千緒万端 | all sorts of things, all manner of affairs |
端から | from the start, from the beginning, from the outset |
端取り 端取 | rear toe pick |