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断 : Severance
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severance, decline, refuse, apologize, warn, dismiss, prohibit, decision, judgement, cutting
た.つ ことわ.る さだ.める
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 斤 (69) |
Usage Rating: | 338 |
Unicode: | 065ad |
jis208: | 35-39 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
断 Usage examples
立体裁断 | draping |
早期診断 | early diagnosis |
断らず | without permission |
断るまでもなく 断るまでも無く | needless to say |
食を断つ | to fast |
退路を断つ | to cut off the retreat |
断路 | disconnection (of a wire) |
断を下す | to pass judgment (judgement), to make a decision |
雄断 | manly decision |
せん断抵抗角 剪断抵抗角 | angle of shearing resistance |
せん断弾性係数 剪断弾性係数 | elastic shear modulus |
せん断剛性 剪断剛性 | shear modulus |
せん断強さ 剪断強さ | shear strength |
せん断強度 剪断強度 | shear strength |
せん断破壊 剪断破壊 | shear failure |
せん断箱 剪断箱 | shear box |
断 | decision, judgment, resolution |
診断学 | diagnostics |
断崖絶壁 | precipitous cliff, sheer precipice |
断層写真 | tomogram, tomograph |
分断 | dividing into parts |
アーク切断 | arc cutting |
トランスフォーム断層 | transform fault |
画像診断 | image diagnosis |
快刀乱麻を断つ | to cut the Gordian knot |
診断薬 | diagnostic drug, diagnostic pharmaceutical |
裁断機 | cutting machine (cloth), cutter |
コンピュータ断層撮影 | computer tomography, CT |
景気判断 | economic assessment |
磁気共鳴診断装置 | magnetic resonance imaging scanner, MRI scanner |
政治決断 | political decision |
陽電子放射断層撮影 | positron emission tomography, PET |
断髪式 | retirement ceremony of a wrestler where his top-knot is cut |
業況判断指数 | diffusion index, DI, business sentiment index |
迅速果断 | quick and decisive, fast and daring |
即断即決 | making a swift decision, making immediate decisions and taking quick actions |
剛毅果断 | dauntless and decisive, with fortitude and resolution |
是非判断 | discrimination of right and wrong, distinguishing between right and wrong |
専断横行 | prevalence of arbitrariness |
即決即断 | prompt decision and prompt execution, make swift decisions and take quick actions |
断章取義 | interpreting (and using) a passage without regard to its context |
無断外泊 | staying out overnight without giving notice, spending night(s) away from home without permission (leave) |
連綿不断 | long and uninterrupted (unbroken) |
間断なく | continuously, constantly, incessantly |
体よく断る 体良く断る | to turn someone down (on some pretext) without offending them, to refuse gracefully, to decline politely |
健康診断書 | health certificate |
断じる | to draw the conclusion that ..., to conclude |
断尾 | cropping a tail |