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置 : Placement
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placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 网 (122) |
Usage Rating: | 277 |
Unicode: | 07f6e |
jis208: | 35-54 |
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置 Usage examples
留め置き 留置き | mail held at the post office, keeping, retaining |
留置郵便 留置き郵便 留め置き郵便 | mail held at the post office |
留置場 | police cell, place of detention |
変速装置 | gearbox |
捨て置く | to leave as is, to ignore |
言い置く 言置く | to leave word, to leave a message |
置き忘れる 置忘れる | to leave behind, to misplace, to forget |
差し置く 差置く | to leave as is, to let alone, to disregard |
心置き無く 心置きなく | freely, frankly, without reserve |
聞き置く | to listen |
隅に置けない | witty and knowing, not to be underestimated, smooth operator |
委員会を置く | to form a committee |
一応聞いて置く | to hear someone out anyway |
位置を変える | to change the position of |
一軒置いて隣 | next door but one |
下宿人を置く | to keep boarders |
算を置く | to calculate, to divine |
霜を置いた | gray, grey, frosted, hoary, frosty |
調べて置く | to examine beforehand |
捨てて置く | to leave something as it is |
席を取って置く | to book (take) a seat |
碇置 | anchorage |
筆を置く | to stop writing, to close (a letter) |
放って置く | to leave alone, to leave as is, to ignore, to neglect |
歩哨を置く | to post a sentinel |
脇に置く 傍に置く わきに置く | to lay aside, to set aside |
陸上端局装置 | land terminal equipment (of a submarine cable) |
項位置 | argument position |
主語助動詞倒置 | subject-auxiliary inversion |
特別措置 | special measure, special measures |
暗視装置 | night vision device |
感知装置 | smoke or heat sensor or detector |
緊急措置 | emergency measures, urgent countermeasures |
駆動装置 | running gear |
再生装置 | playback equipment |
暫定措置 | temporary step, stopgap measure |
実験装置 | experimental device, experimental equipment |
受信装置 | receiver, receiving set, receiving apparatus (equipment) |
浄化装置 | purifier |
生命維持装置 | life-support system |
測定装置 | measuring device |
通信装置 | communications equipment, terminal, communications device |
電気装置 | electrical device, electrical equipment |
後置詞 | postposition |
ハイファイ装置 | hi-fi equipment |
リンク装置 | linkage |
位置エネルギー | potential energy |
位置ベクトル | position vector |
位置天文学 | position astronomy |
演算装置 | arithmetic unit |