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往 : Journey
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journey, travel, chase away, let go, going, before, formerly
い.く いにしえ さき.に ゆ.く
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 彳 (60) |
Usage Rating: | 1421 |
Unicode: | 05f80 |
jis208: | 17-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
往 Usage examples
立ち往生 立往生 | bring to a standstill, stalling, stranding |
往古より | from times immemorial, from ancient times |
往々にして | sometimes, occasionally, now and then, from time to time |
往復ポンプ | reciprocating pump |
往復機関 | reciprocating engine |
往事渺茫 | memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant |
往事茫々 往事茫茫 | memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant |
商売往来 | business handbook (with glossary) of Edo period |
念仏往生 | passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha |
人馬往来 | the passage of people and horses, coming and going of people and horses |
往生際が悪い | not knowing when to give up |
自主独往 | independent way of life |
前言往行 | words and deeds of the people of yore |
往ぬ | to go bad, to rot |