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調 : Tune
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tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate
しら.べる しら.べ ととの.う ととの.える
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 87 |
Unicode: | 08abf |
jis208: | 36-20 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
調 Usage examples
調子付く 調子づく | to warm up to, to become enthusiastic about, to be elated |
味を調える | to flavor, to flavour, to season |
縁談を調える | to arrange a marriage |
金を調える | to raise money |
軍国調 | wartime atmosphere |
調べて置く | to examine beforehand |
事実を調べる | to investigate the facts |
税調 | tax system research commission, tax system research council, select committee on the taxation system, tax commission |
候調 | epistolary style |
租庸調 | corvee, taxes in kind or service (former tax system) |
妙なる調べ | enchanting melody, sweet tune |
調琴 | playing the koto |
調合剤 | mixture, preparation |
調子を整える | to put in tune |
調度が調う | to get fully furnished |
文語調 | flavor of literary style, flavour of literary style |
変ホ長調 | E flat major |
歩調を揃える | to keep step with |
旅装を調える | to prepare for a journey |
六段の調べ | rokudan (name of a koto composition) |
変調器 | modulator |
パルス幅変調 | pulse width modulation |
温度調節 | temperature control |
空調設備 | air conditioner |
現地調査 | field survey, field work (research), on-the-spot investigation |
在庫調整 | inventory (stock) adjustment |
調査員 | investigator, examiner |
調査団 | inquiry commission, enquiry commission, research group |
調査報告 | report (of an investigation), investigation (investigative) report |
調理法 | art of cooking, cookery, cuisine |
追跡調査 | follow-up (tracing) survey |
電磁調理器 | electromagnetic cooker |
予備調査 | preliminary investigation |
調 | tax on products, tendency, style |
アンケート調査 | questionnaire survey |
イメージ調査 | image survey |
位相変調 | PM, phase modulation |
異国情調 | exoticism |
運動失調症 | motor ataxia |
海洋調査船 | ocean investigation ship |
公害等調整委員会 | Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission |
調査部 | research division, inquiry section |
環境調査 | environmental research |
季節調整 | seasonal adjustment |
雇用調整 | employment adjustment |
市場調査機関 | market research organization, market research organisation |
資金調達計画 | financing plan |
信用調査会社 | credit research company |
政治資金調達 | fundraising |
税務調査 | tax inquiry, tax enquiry, tax investigation |
電話世論調査 | telephone poll |
統合失調症 | schizophrenia |
内部調査 | internal inspection |
家具調度 | household furnishings |
調査官 | examiner, investigator, inquisitor, agent |
現地調達 | local procurement, local content, sourcing locally |
現調 | local procurement, local content, sourcing locally |