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超 : Transcend
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transcend, super-, ultra-
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 走 (156) |
Usage Rating: | 597 |
Unicode: | 08d85 |
jis208: | 36-22 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
超 Usage examples
限度を超える | to go beyond the limit, to pass the limit |
人知を超えた | beyond human understanding |
超大型 | extra-large |
払い超 | deficit in long-term capital |
超規則 | metarule |
超能力者 | person with supernatural power, person capable of extrasensory perception |
額面超過額 | premium |
債務超過 | insolvency |
超音波検査 | ultrasound examination |
超音波検査法 | sonography, ultrasonography |
超低金利 | ultra-low interest |
超低金利金融政策 | ultra-loose monetary policy |
超電導磁気浮上式鉄道 超伝導磁気浮上式鉄道 | superconducting maglev train |
超がつく 超が付く | extremely |
超世俗的 | unworldly, supermundane, free from worldly cares (concerns) |
超低 | very low (deep, cold, etc.), ultra-, infra-, hyper- |
度を超した | extravagant, extreme, hyper |
超対称理論 | supersymmetry |
超重元素 | transuranium element, transuranic element, super heavy element |
超ウラン元素 | transuranium element, transuranic element, super heavy element |
超楕円関数 | hyperelliptic function |
超限帰納法 | transfinite induction |
超限数 | transfinite number |
超限 | transfinite |
超常的 | supernatural (e.g. psychic phenomena and such), paranormal |
超ミニ | micro-mini, very short (esp. clothing), very small |
超っ速 超っ早 | very fast, very early |
超自我 | superego |
超国家主義者 | ultranationalist |
超音速旅客機 | supersonic airliner (i.e. the Concorde) |
超音速輸送機 | supersonic transport, SST |
超常 | paranormality, anomalous phenomenon |
超高純度 | ultrahigh purity |