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直 : Straightaway
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straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair
チョク ジキ ジカ
ただ.ちに なお.す -なお.す なお.る なお.き す.ぐ
すぐ なお のう のお
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 目 (109) |
Usage Rating: | 246 |
Unicode: | 076f4 |
jis208: | 36-30 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
直 Usage examples
建て直す 建直す | to rebuild, to reconstruct |
鋳直す | to recast, to recoin |
縫い直す | to resew, to remake |
焼き直す | to grill again, to rehash |
言い直す 言直す | to correct oneself, to restate |
引き直す 引直す | to consult (a reference) again |
洗い直す | to reconsider |
積み直す | to reload |
練り直す 練直す | to rework, to revise, to polish |
聞き直す | to listen again, to ask again |
生直ぐ | well-behaved |
叩き直す | to beat into shape |
染め直す | to dye again |
誤りを直す | to correct an error |
鋳直し | recasting |
左直 | left liner |
時間割りを直す | to alter the schedule |
陣を立て直す | to redeploy troops |
建て直し 建直し | re-erection, rebuilding |
直射日光 | direct sunlight, direct rays of the sun |
直輸 | direct import (export) |
当直員 | person on duty |
直らない | beyond repair, irreparable |
焼き直し | adaptation (from), rebaking |
亮直 | rightfulness |
疑似直接目的語 | pseudo-direct object |
直接支配 | immediate dominance, ID |
組織の硬直化 | organizational inertia, organisational inertia |
鉛直線 | vertical line |
直行便 | direct (nonstop) flight |
直接請求 | direct claim to a local government |
書き直し | rewriting, rewrite, fair copy |
直間比率 | ratio of direct to indirect taxes |
直話 | account one got (heard) from somebody at first hand |
鉛直面 | vertical plane |
価格の下方硬直性 | downward price rigidity |
掛け直す かけ直す | to call again, to call someone back |
正規直交系 | normalized orthogonal system, normalised orthogonal system |
正規直交化 | ortho-normalization, ortho-normalisation |
問い直す | to question again, to repeat a question (esp. a problematic point, or to verify understanding), to repeat a query |
海外直接投資 | foreign direct investment, FDI, direct overseas investment |
再直接尋問 | redirect examination |
直接尋問 | direct examination |
直接投資 | direct investment |
直接労務費 | direct labor costs, direct labour costs |
向き直る | to turn round, to face about, to turn about |
組み直す | to reschedule, to recompose, to reset |
直営店 | company store |
もう直ぐ | very soon |
直帰 | returning home directly |
直近 | latest, most recent, nearest (in time) |