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鎮 : Tranquilize
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tranquilize, ancient peace-preservation centers
しず.める しず.まる おさえ
しげ じん ちか しん
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 金 (167) |
Usage Rating: | 1617 |
Unicode: | 093ae |
jis208: | 36-35 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
鎮 Usage examples
風鎮 | hanging-scroll weight |
鎮守の神 | local deity, guardian god |
反乱を鎮める 叛乱を鎮める | to quell a rebellion |
鎮め物 | sacred items buried in the ring during its ritual purification |
鎮守社 | Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area |
郷鎮企業 | township and village enterprise in China |