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陳 : Exhibit
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exhibit, state, relate, explain
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1323 |
Unicode: | 09673 |
jis208: | 36-36 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
陳 Usage examples
陳弁 | defense (of oneself), defence (of oneself), explanation |
陳皮 | dried citrus peel (esp. of a satsuma mandarin) used as seasoning and in traditional Chinese medicine, chenpi |
陳列室 | showroom |
陳列窓 | display window |
陳列棚 | display case |
陳述書 | written statement, statement of facts |
陳情書 | petition |
出陳 | submitting (something) to an exhibition |
陳列品 | exhibit, articles on display, showpiece |
陳情合戦 | competitive lobbying, rivalry in campaigning (for and against) |
平凡陳腐 | commonplace and stale, humdrum and hackneyed |
陳述副詞 | declarative adverb |
陳情団 | lobby group |
陳こびる 陳ねこびる | to look old, to appear mature (e.g. of children) |
陳列台 | display stand, exhibition table |
陳情者 | petitioner |