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追 : Chase
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chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 411 |
Unicode: | 08ffd |
jis208: | 36-41 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
追 Usage examples
追い上げる | to gain on, to put pressure on |
追い求める 追求める | to pursue |
追いまくる 追い捲る 追い捲くる | to pursue relentlessly, to be in hot pursuit |
追い落とす | to disperse, to take a castle |
追って 追而 | P.S., shortly, presently, afterwards, in due course, by and by |
追試 | supplementary examination |
追刊 | additional publication |
追加注文 | additional order |
追跡調査 | follow-up (tracing) survey |
利潤追求 | pursuit of profits, profit-seeking |
追行 | pursuit, carrying out |
追完 | subsequent completion |
戦没者追悼式 | memorial service for the war dead |
国外追放 | deportation |
追徴課税 | additional tax |
追っかけ 追っ掛け | soon, by-and-by |
追い迫る | to gain on someone, run somebody close |
追い焚き 追焚き | reheating (e.g. bath) |
追い出しコンパ | farewell party, send-off party |
追いつ追われつ | cat-and-mouse (race), lead changing hands many times |
追い抜き | pursuit, overtaking |
追善興行 | memorial performance, performance in memory of someone |
追従外交 | sycophantic diplomacy, servile diplomacy |
戦没者追悼 | war memorial, memorial (monument) to war dead |
追ん出す | to expel, to drive out |
裁判官訴追委員会 | Judge Indictment Committee |
訴追委員会 | indictment committee |
日を追って | daily, day by day |
追悼ミサ | (Catholic) memorial mass |