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通 : Traffic
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traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
とお.る とお.り -とお.り -どお.り とお.す とお.し -どお.し かよ.う
とん どうし どおり みち
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 80 |
Unicode: | 0901a |
jis208: | 36-44 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
通 Usage examples
流通革命 | distribution revolution |
流通税 | circulation tax |
流通証券 | negotiable securities |
流通資本 | circulating capital |
角通 | expert |
立ち通し | remain standing, keeping standing (all the way) |
射通す | to pierce, to penetrate |
一脈相通ずる | to have in common (with) |
一脈相通じる | to have in common (with) |
有無相通じる | to help each other, to complement |
言い通す 言通す | to persist in saying |
まかり通る 罷り通る | to go by, to let pass, to get away with, to let slide, to overlook |
突き通す | to pierce, to penetrate |
通弁 | interpreter (in the Edo period) |
通知簿 | report card (book) |
通じ | bowel movement, evacuation |
意味が通らない | incomprehensible, not making sense |
款を通ずる | to communicate secretly, to form a close friendship |
学校へ通う | to attend school |
客を通す | to show a guest in |
亨通 | doing well, prosperous |
交通の便 | convenience for transportation, convenience of access (by road or rail) |
先に通す | to let (a person) pass first |
左の通り | as following |
筋の通った | rational, logical, coherent |
正副二通 | original and duplicate |
世界交通の衝 | focus of the trade routes of the world |
世間の通り | reputation |
血の通った | warm, blood-circulating, compassionate |
注文通り | as ordered |
通勤の足 | facilities for commutation |
通信圏外 | out of the range of communication |
通を気取る | to pretend to know everything, to pretend to be an expert |
詰めて通う | to frequent tirelessly |
通し | performance of an entire play, appetiser, straight |
仲見世通り | shopping street in the precincts of a shrine (temple) |
泣き通す | to keep crying |
仲人を通して | through a go-between |
日英通訳 | Japanese-English interpreting |
光を通す | to allow light to pass through, to shine light through |
火を通す | to cook, to heat |
不通箇所 | tied-up places (spots) |
本物で通る | to pass for (as) genuine |
町を通る | to pass through town |
右の通り | as above-mentioned |
水を通さない | impervious to water |
元の通り もとの通り | as it was before |
約束の通り | as promised |
共通言語 | lingua franca |
普通でない | abnormal, not the rule, not customary |
普通ではない | abnormal, not the rule, not customary |
開通式 | formal opening (e.g. of a rail-road) |
共通一次試験 | common first-stage (university entrance) examination |
交通問題 | traffic problem |
市内通話 | intra-city telephone call, local call |
指名通話 | person-to-person call, personal call |