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低 : Lower
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lower, short, humble
ひく.い ひく.める ひく.まる
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 435 |
Unicode: | 04f4e |
jis208: | 36-67 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
低 Usage examples
熱帯低気圧 | tropical cyclone |
高より低へ | from high to low |
低音部 | bass register |
極低温 | very (extremely) low temperature |
超低金利 | ultra-low interest |
超低金利金融政策 | ultra-loose monetary policy |
長期低利貸付 | soft loan |
低体温 | hypothermia |
低賃金産業 | low wage industry |
低利得アンテナ | low-gain antenna |
暗雲低迷 | gathering dark clouds, being under the shadow of |
白血球の数の低下 | agranulocytosis (not enough white blood cells) |
一高一低 | rise and fall, frequent fluctuations (of the market price) |
超低 | very low (deep, cold, etc.), ultra-, infra-, hyper- |
低床 | low floor (platform, vehicle, etc.) |
低脂肪 | low-fat |
低脂肪乳 | low-fat milk |
低燃費 | low fuel consumption |
低カロリー | low-calorie |
低公害車 | low-emission vehicle |
脳低体温療法 | therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury |
低髄液圧症候群 | cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia, CSF hypovolemia, intracranial hypotension syndrome |
低酸素脳症 | hypoxic encephalopathy (brain damage from lack of oxygen) |
低所得者 | low-income earner |
最低限度 | minimum limit, the lowest degree (possible, allowable, etc.) |
背の低い | short (of a person) |