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貞 : Upright
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upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness
さざ ただし りょう
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 貝 (154) |
Usage Rating: | 1389 |
Unicode: | 08c9e |
jis208: | 36-71 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
貞 Usage examples
不貞腐れ | sulkiness |
貞操帯 | chastity belt |
貞観 | Jougan era (859.4.15-877.4.16) |
貞元 | Jougen era (976.7.13-978.11.29) |
貞応 | Jouou era (1222.4.13-1224.11.20) |
安貞 | Antei era (1227.12.10-1229.3.5) |
貞永 | Jouei era (1232.4.2-1233.4.15) |
貞和 | Jouwa era (of the Northern Court) (1345.10.21-1350.2.27), Teiwa era |
貞治 | Jouji era (of the Northern Court) (1362.9.23-1368.2.18) |
貞享 | Joukyou era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30) |
貞元 | Teigen era, Jougen era (976.7.13-978.11.29) |
貞治 | Teiji era, Jouji era (of the Northern Court) (1362.9.23-1368.2.18) |