職業安定所 | Public Employment Security Office |
雲形定規 | French curve |
約定書 | written contract |
約定済み | promised |
老少不定 | Death comes to old and young alike, uncertainty of life |
座席指定券 | reserved-seat ticket |
思い定める | to be determined |
定めし | surely |
定滑車 | fixed pulley |
定休 | regular holiday |
安定した | steady, stable, calm, firm |
勘定を払う | to pay a bill |
欽定憲法 | constitution granted by the Emperor |
決定稿 | final manuscript |
定まり | rule, custom, tranquility, tranquillity |
暫定案 | provisional plan |
定期便 | regular service |
動安定 | dynamic stability |
予定から外す | to exclude from the schedule |
予定を変える | to change the schedule |
率を定める | to fix the rate |
支持力定式 | bearing capacity formula |
導波管定数 | waveguide constant |
安定状態 | steady state, stable state |
定常状態 | steady state |
規定打席 | regulation at batting |
限定詞 | determiner, qualifier, determinative |
固定票 | solid (an assured, a safe) vote, solid (assured) support |
国際協定 | international agreement, accord |
査定価格 | assessed value (price) |
暫定措置 | temporary step, stopgap measure |
焼肉定食 | set meal with grilled meat |
推定相続人 | heir(s) presumptive |
推定年齢 | estimated (probable) age (e.g. of victim) |
測定器 | measuring instrument |
測定装置 | measuring device |
測定値 | measured value |
通勤定期 | commutation ticket, season ticket |
定期検診 | periodic medical check-up (examination) |
定期試験 | regular (periodic) examination |
定期昇給 | regular (annual) pay raise |
定期乗車券 | season ticket, commutation (commuter) ticket |
定期戦 | regularly-scheduled game (match) |
定常波 | standing (stationary) wave |
定数是正 | reapportionment (of Diet seats) |
定年制 | mandatory retirement system, age-limit retirement system |
定年退職 | (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60), mandatory retirement, reaching retirement age |
認定証 | certificate |
部分否定 | partial negation |
法定代理人 | statutory representative, legal representative |
優勝決定戦 | deciding match (in a competition for a cup (pennant)) |
軟判定識別器 | soft-decision discriminator |
実定法 | positive law (i.e. law made by humans) |
人定 | enactment, establishment, creation |
オープン勘定 | open account |
キレート滴定 | chelatometric titration |