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王 : King
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king, rule, magnate
おお おおきみ わ
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 玉 (96) |
Usage Rating: | 684 |
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王 Usage examples
王孫 | royal grandson |
王を立てる | to enthrone a king |
王を詰める | to checkmate the king |
海賊王 | pirate king |
親王妃 | Imperial princess |
石油王 | oil magnate |
女王蟻 | queen ant |
賞金王 | earned prize money king |
王太子 | crown prince |
王太子妃 | crown princess |
王太妃 | crown princess |
王弟 | royal prince |
王党派 | royalists, royalist faction |
立憲王政 | constitutional monarchy |
前王 | former king, late king |
王后 | queen |
王后陛下 | Her Majesty the Queen |
閻魔大王 | Yama, judge of the afterlife |
王その人 | none other than the king |
覇王竜 | Tyrannosaurus rex |
王手飛車 | forking the rook while checking the king |
閻王 | Yama, judge of the afterlife |
大王烏賊 | giant squid (Architeuthis martensi) |
ローマ法王 | Pope |
世界王者 | world champion |