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底 : Bottom
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bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 广 (53) |
Usage Rating: | 867 |
Unicode: | 05e95 |
jis208: | 36-76 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
底 Usage examples
奈落の底 | abyss |
底数 | base, radix |
坑底 | mine-pit bottom |
底革 | sole leather, sole |
箱の底 | bottom of a box |
基底構造 | deep structure, underlying structure |
基底部門 | base component |
沖合底引き網漁業 | offshore trawl fishery |
海底トンネル | undersea tunnel |
海底谷 | submarine valley, submarine canyon |
海底炭田 | submarine coal field |
海底地形 | submarine topography |
海底電線敷設船 | cable layer |
底打ち | bottoming out |
底意地 | latent disposition, inner feelings |
徹底抗戦 | do-or-die resistance, resistance to the bitter end |
骨盤底筋 | pubococcygeal muscle, Kegel muscle |
海底撈月 | totally useless (fruitless) effort, wasting time on an impossible task (like trying to scoop up a reflected moon from the bottom of the sea) |
大悟徹底 | attain divine enlightenment, perceive absolute truth, experience spiritual awakening |
徹底究明 | thorough investigation, complete inquiry |
鍋底景気 | lingering recession, an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out |
底を突く | to hit the bottom, to bottom out, to be depleted |
脳底部 | lower brain, base of the brain |