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締 : Tighten
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tighten, tie, shut, lock, fasten
し.まる し.まり し.める -し.め -じ.め
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 797 |
Unicode: | 07de0 |
jis208: | 36-89 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
締 Usage examples
締め | end mark, closure mark, counter for bundles of 2000 sheets of paper, tightening |
締めて | in all, all told |
帯を締める | do up a sash |
家計を締める | to economize in the household, to economise in the household |
片十字締め | cross choke |
結締組織 | connective tissue |
小締まり | firmer tendency |
締まった体格 | firm build, well-knit frame |
締まり 締り | firmness, tightness, discipline, control |
締まりのない 締まりの無い 締りのない 締りの無い | slack, loose, lax, slovenly, sloppy |
締め切り日 締切日 | time limit, closing day, deadline |
締め固める | to compact |
箍を締める | to pull oneself together, to brace oneself |
締め鯖 | soused (vinegared) mackerel |
投票締め切り | poll closing |
取締役会長 | chairman of board of directors |
取締役社長 | managing director, president of a company (US) |
取締役副社長 | executive vice-president |
綱締め | putting on the tsuna |
代表取締社長 | company president, with responsibility to represent the company in its dealings with the outside world |
締め太鼓 | small high-pitched Japanese drum or taiko with its head pulled taut by ropes |
締め代 締めしろ | interference, jamming |
爆発物取締罰則 | Criminal Regulations to Control Explosives |
麻薬及び向精神薬取締法 | Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law |
帯締め 帯締 | decorative string used to hold a kimono sash in place |
締め日 締日 | time limit, closing day, deadline |
金融引き締め 金融引締め | monetary tightening, credit squeeze, credit crunch |
銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法 | Swords and Firearms Control Law (1958) |