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徹 : Penetrate
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penetrate, clear, pierce, strike home, sit up (all night)
あき つ てっ とおる
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 彳 (60) |
Usage Rating: | 968 |
Unicode: | 05fb9 |
jis208: | 37-16 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
徹 Usage examples
老いの一徹 | obstinacy of old age |
透徹した | clear, lucid, penetrating |
頑固一徹 | stubborn, obstinate |
徹底抗戦 | do-or-die resistance, resistance to the bitter end |
無骨一徹 武骨一徹 | rustic, boorish, uncouth, adamantly sticking to being boorish |
一徹短慮 | stubborn and short-tempered |
首尾貫徹 | (logical) consistency, coherence, unchanging from beginning to end |
正直一徹 | stubbornly honest |
大悟徹底 | attain divine enlightenment, perceive absolute truth, experience spiritual awakening |
徹底究明 | thorough investigation, complete inquiry |