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店 : Store
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 广 (53) |
Usage Rating: | 378 |
Unicode: | 05e97 |
jis208: | 37-25 |
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店 Usage examples
角店 | corner store |
食品店 | grocery store |
楽器店 | store selling musical instruments |
小店 | passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region), low class brothel, small store |
大店 | large store |
貸店舗 貸し店舗 | store for rent |
商店主 | storekeeper, proprietor of a shop |
辻店 | street stall |
店是 | shop policy |
店の上がり | income from a shop |
店屋 | store, shop |
店を開く | to open a business |
衣料品店 | clothing store |
雑貨店 | general (variety) store (shop) |
精肉店 | meat shop |
店頭販売 | over-the-counter sales, selling over the counter |
優良店 | store holding a special commendation (e.g. from the mayor) |
量販店 | mass marketer, emporium, volume retailer |
仲店 | nakamise, shops lining a passageway in the precincts of a Shinto shrine |
店頭株市場 | over-the-counter market |
直営店 | company store |
食料雑貨店 | grocery |
店主敬白 | Store owner, at your service, Yours truly, the Store Owner |
骨董店 | antique shop |
石材店従業員 | stone dealer |
代理店経費 | agency cost |
修理店 | repair shop |
日本料理店 | Japanese restaurant |
開店時間 | opening hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.) |
閉店時間 | closing hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.) |
古書店 | antiquarian bookshop, store for rare and old books |