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転 : Revolve
revolve, turn around, change
ころ.がる ころ.げる ころ.がす ころ.ぶ まろ.ぶ うたた うつ.る くる.めく
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 車 (159) |
Usage Rating: | 327 |
Unicode: | 08ee2 |
jis208: | 37-30 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
転 Usage examples
流転 | transmigration, metempsychosis |
宛転 | (of eyebrows) shapely, fluent, smooth-spoken, sonorous, facile, silver-tongued |
車を転がす | to drive a car |
反転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
逆転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
転移性 | displacement |
運転技術 | driving skill |
運転系統 | (bus) route |
逆転層 | inversion layer |
公転速度 | orbital speed |
自転車旅行 | bicycle trip, cycling tour |
自転周期 | rotation period |
終夜運転 | all-night service |
単線運転 | single-track operation |
転居通知 | change of address notice (announcement) |
転出証明 | change of address certificate |
転送先 | forwarding address |
転入生 | transfer student |
暴走運転 | reckless driving |
逆回転 | spinning the opposite way, backspin (tennis, baseball), counter |
転貸借 | subletting and subleasing |
コペルニクス的転回 | Copernican revolution |
移転価格 | transfer price |
移転収支 | balance of transfer account |
移転所得 | transfer income |
運転資本 | working capital |
回転異性体 | rotational isomer |
回転角 | angle of rotation |
回転計 | tachometer, revolution counter |
回転子 | rotor |
回転磁場 | rotating field |
回転窓 | pivoted window |
回転楕円体 | spheroid |
回転体 | solid of revolution |
回転対称 | rotation symmetry |
回転半径 | radius of gyration |
回転扉 | revolving door |
回転偏光 | rotatory polarization, rotatory polarisation |
回転変流機 | rotary converter |
回転面 | surface of revolution |
回転篩 | trommel |
データ転送速度 | data-transfer rate |
性転換手術 | sex change surgery |
政策転換 | policy shift, policy U-turn |
転職斡旋 | outplacement |
転送速度 | transfer speed, transfer rate |
本社移転 | headquarter shift |
寝転がる | to lie down, to throw oneself down |
転がり落ちる | to tumble down, to roll down |
転び | batter (construction technique), converting |
能転気 | optimistic, thoughtless, insolent |
三界流転 | endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences |
生々流転 生生流転 | all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth, the circle of transmigration |