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登 : Ascend
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ascend, climb up
トウ ト ドウ ショウ チョウ
のぼ.る あ.がる
たか のぼし のぼり のり
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 癶 (105) |
Usage Rating: | 566 |
Unicode: | 0767b |
jis208: | 37-48 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
登 Usage examples
登城 | attendance at a castle |
演壇に登る | to mount the platform |
伝って登る | to shin up, to climb up |
登科 | passing the civil service examination |
登記番号欄 | registry number column |
登記簿 | register |
登第 | passing the examination |
登山口 | starting point of a mountain ascent, trailhead (leading up a mountain) |
未登峰 | unclimbed mountain |
楼に登る | to go up a tower, to climb a tower |
意匠登録 | registration of a design |
仮登記 | provisional registration |
登坂車線 | (climbing) lane for slower traffic |
登山靴 | (mountain-)climbing boots |
登山鉄道 | mountain railway |
登山電車 | mountain railway |
登山道 | mountain trail, path up a mountain |
登録者 | registrant, subscriber, enrollee |
登録番号 | registration number |
登録料 | registration fee |
家畜登録 | registration of livestock |
選挙人登録 | voter registration |
登山隊 | climbing expedition, mountaineering party |
登録証 | registration book, registration card |
登下校 | going to and from school, path to and from school, way to school |
羽化登仙 | a sense of release (as if one had wings and were riding on air) |
外人登録証 | alien registration card |
不登校 | truancy, school non-attendance |
集団登校 | going to school in groups |
登校日 | school day |
保健室登校 | going straight to the infirmary in school |
登場感 | launch impression (e.g. of new product in advertising), launch impact, presense |
遅延登録 | late registration, delayed registration |