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都 : Metropolis
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metropolis, capital, all, everything
くに ず ち づめ みや
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 邑 (163) |
Usage Rating: | 123 |
Unicode: | 090fd |
jis208: | 37-52 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
都 Usage examples
田園都市 | rural or garden city |
僧都 | Buddhist priest |
京都の産 | native of Kyoto |
京都府警 | Kyoto Prefectural Police |
東京都政 | government of Tokyo Metropolis |
都会を離れる | to leave town |
都議 | Metropolitan assemblyman |
都議選 | Tokyo Assembly elections |
都督 | governor-general |
森の都 | tree-clad town |
都市再生 | urban regeneration |
学園都市 | university town, college town |
近郊都市 | neighboring towns, neighbouring towns |
工業都市 | industrial (manufacturing, factory) town or city |
国際都市 | cosmopolitan city |
都市銀行 | city bank, metropolitan bank |
都市交通 | urban transport, urban transit |
都市部 | urban areas |
都立高校 | metropolitan high school |
京都議定書 | Kyoto Protocol |
御都合主義者 ご都合主義者 | opportunist |
都銀 | city bank, metropolitan bank |
国都 | (national) capital city |
田園都市開発 | garden-town development, rural city development, urban sprawl |
都連 | (Tokyo) party chapter |
県都 | prefectural capital |
小京都 | little Kyoto, nick-name for towns that resemble Kyoto |
京都五山 | Kyoto Gozan, the five most important Rinzai temples of Kyoto, as well as Nanzen-ji |
地方都市 | provincial city, provincial town, suburban city, regional towns and cities |
都々逸 都都逸 都々一 | unrhymed non-metrical Japanese popular love song or limerick in the 7-7-7-5 syllable pattern |
都会的 | urban, metropolitan |
過密都市 | overcrowded city |
都知事 | metropolitan governor, governor of Tokyo |