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度 : Degrees
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degrees, occurrence, time, counter for occurrences, consider, attitude
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 广 (53) |
Usage Rating: | 110 |
Unicode: | 05ea6 |
jis208: | 37-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
度 Usage examples
難度 | degree of difficulty |
熱度 | degree of heat, temperature, enthusiasm |
貿易依存度 | degree of dependence on foreign trade |
旅支度 | preparations for a journey |
食糧管理制度 | food control system |
度重なる | to repeat, to be frequent |
粒度 | particle size, grain size, granularity |
透明度 | transparency, degree of clearness |
一度だけ 1度だけ 一度丈 | only once |
曲度 | curvature |
限度を超える | to go beyond the limit, to pass the limit |
今度限り | for this once only |
昨年度の卒 | graduated last year |
三度の和音 | common chord, triad |
氏姓制度 | uji-kabane system, system of clans and hereditary titles (of the Yamato court) |
次年度 | next (fiscal) year |
速度を緩める | to ease up the speed |
唯一度 | only once |
単元制度 | unit credit system |
濁度 | turbidity |
調度が調う | to get fully furnished |
つかず離れずの態度 付かず離れずの態度 即かず離れずの態度 | neutral attitude |
度の強い眼鏡 | powerful spectacles, strong glasses |
度を失う 度をうしなう | be flummoxed, to get flustered |
度を重ねる | to repeat |
年に一度 | once a year |
冷ややかな態度 | cold attitude |
本年度 | current year (fiscal, academic, etc.) |
棒温度計 | bar thermometer |
明年度 | next (fiscal) year |
見る度に | whenever (each time) one sees (it) |
滅度 | extinguishing illusion and passing over to Nirvana |
裕度 | electrical tolerance |
累算温度 | cumulative temperature |
せん断強度 剪断強度 | shear strength |
粒度分布 | particle size distribution |
高輝度 | high luminance (used to describe bold-face text on display screen) |
簡潔性の尺度 | simplicity measure |
評価の尺度 | evaluation measure |
群速度 | group velocity (in fibre optics, fiber optics) |
位相速度 | phase velocity |
温度調節 | temperature control |
家長制度 | patriarchal system |
教育制度 | educational system, school system |
公転速度 | orbital speed |
高高度飛行 高々度飛行 | high-altitude flying |
高度差 | height difference, difference in elevation |
支度部屋 | dressing room |
焦点深度 | depth of focus |
接客態度 | service |
速度違反 | speeding |
速度制限 | (set) a speed limit |
体感温度 | effective temperature, wind-chill index (factor) |