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倒 : Overthrow
overthrow, fall, collapse, drop, break down
たお.れる -だお.れ たお.す さかさま さかさ さかしま
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 791 |
Unicode: | 05012 |
jis208: | 37-61 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
倒 Usage examples
驚倒 | being very surprised, being utterly astonished, being shocked |
前倒し | acceleration (of payment schedule) |
蹴倒す | to kick over, to kick down |
引き倒す | to pull down |
打ち倒す | to knock down, to defeat |
後ろざまに倒れる 後ろ様に倒れる | to fall backward |
後ろに倒れる 後に倒れる | to fall backward |
凶弾に倒れる | to be shot to death by an assassin |
食い倒れ 食倒れ | bringing ruin upon oneself by extravagance in food |
倒壊 倒潰 | destruction, collapse, crumbling |
倒伏 | falling down |
面倒見が良い 面倒見がよい | very helpful, caring, service-minded |
面倒を掛ける 面倒をかける | to put someone to trouble |
主語助動詞倒置 | subject-auxiliary inversion |
倒錯者 | pervert |
押し倒し | oshitaoshi, (frontal) push-down, (win by) knocking down opponent by pushing him with hand(s) rested on his body |
企業倒産 | corporate bankruptcy |
倒産企業 | bankrupt company |
不況型倒産 | recession-induced bankruptcy |
倒れ込む | to collapse into, to flop onto |
気が転倒する | to be upset, to be flurried |
掛け声倒れ | starting with vigor but ending with no action |
暈倒病 | vertigo, staggers |
面倒い | troublesome, bothersome |
使い倒す | to use within an inch of its life, to use every little bit of, to get the most out of |
捩じ倒す | to wrench someone down to the ground |
面倒を見る | to care for someone, to look after someone |
送り倒し | rear push down |
極め倒し | arm-barring force down |