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党 : Party
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Usage Rating: | 39 |
Unicode: | 0515a |
jis208: | 37-62 |
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党 Usage examples
立党 | founding a political party |
巨人党 | Giants fan |
平党員 | rank-and-file party member |
民社党 | Democratic Socialist Party |
愛党心 | party loyalty |
一党独裁 | one-party rule |
社会民主党 | Social Democratic Party |
社民党 | Social Democratic Party |
政権党 | political party in power |
多数党 | majority party |
中国共産党 | Chinese Communist Party |
シンフェイン党 | Sinn Fein |
階級政党 | class party |
第三政党 | third party |
党員集会 | caucus |
党内派閥 | intra-party faction |
無党派層 | unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters |
野党指導者 | opposition leader |
野党連合 | opposition alliance |
与党連立 | ruling coalition |
連立野党 | opposition coalition party |
連立与党 | ruling coalition party |
国民党 | Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party), Kuomintang |
王党派 | royalists, royalist faction |
介党鱈 | walleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) |
一味徒党 | whole party to a plot, whole gang, fellow conspirators |
甘辛両党 | taste for both wines and sweets, having a liking for both alcoholic beverages and sweet things |
党議拘束 | compulsory adherence to a party decision, restrictions on party debate |
党派根性 | partisan spirit (prejudice), partisanship, factionalism |
無党派 | political independents |
他党 | other parties, other forces |
反党 | anti-party |
党首脳 | party leaders, party executive |
新党日本 | New Party Nippon (Japanese political party) |
日本民主党 | Democratic Party of Japan |
日本共産党 | Japanese Communist Party |
国民新党 | Kokumin Shinto |
悪党面 | villainous face |
中国国民党 | Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) |
台湾国民党 | Kuomintang (Taiwanese Nationalist Party) |
党首討論 | question time (in the Japanese Diet) |
新進党 | New Frontier Party (defunct Japanese political party), NFP |
保守新党 | New Conservative Party (defunct Japanese political party) |
新党大地 | New Party Daichi, New Party Big Earth (Japanese political party) |