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屋 : Roof
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roof, house, shop, dealer, seller
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 尸 (44) |
Usage Rating: | 616 |
Unicode: | 05c4b |
jis208: | 18-16 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
屋 Usage examples
経師屋 | scroll mounter, picture framer |
陣屋 | encampment |
陋屋 | cramped home, hovel, pigsty, cottage, squalid hut |
染め物屋 染物屋 | dyer, dye house |
風車小屋 | windmill |
呼び屋 | promoter |
楽屋落ち | inside joke, private joke |
楽屋話 | inside story, confidential talk |
饂飩屋 | noodle shop |
屋上屋を架す | to do something useless, to paint the lily, to gild refined gold, to build a roof atop the roof |
押し屋 | commuter train packer |
掛け小屋 掛小屋 | temporary theater, temporary theatre, lean-to |
気取り屋 | snob, affected person |
下の部屋 | downstairs room |
事務屋 | office worker, clerk |
畳敷きの部屋 | straw-matted room |
恥ずかしがり屋 | shy person |
部屋を散らかす | to scatter a room (with things), to leave a room a mess, to leave things lying about |
店屋 | store, shop |
屋根に上がる | to go up on the roof |
子供部屋 | nursery |
一人部屋 | single room |
印刷屋 | printer |
金魚屋 | goldfish seller (vendor) |
支度部屋 | dressing room |
水車小屋 | water mill |
製本屋 | bookbinder |
洗濯屋 | laundry, laundromat, launderette |
相撲部屋 | stable |
土産物屋 みやげもの屋 | souvenir store, gift shop |
豆腐屋 | tofu seller (maker) |
保険屋 | insurance man |
木造家屋 | wooden house, frame house (building) |
餅屋 | rice cake shop keeper, rice cake store (shop) |
現金問屋 | cash-basis wholesaler |
丸屋根 円屋根 | dome, vaulted roof, cupola |
あばら屋 荒ら屋 荒屋 | small resting place comprising four pillars and a roof (with no walls), my home, hovel, miserable shack |
小料理屋 | small restaurant, eating house |
脱がせ屋 | persons who convince female celebrities to pose nude for photoshoots |
別れさせ屋 | professional relationship destroyers |
目立ちたがり屋 | show-off |
吊り屋根 | hanging roof over the ring |
名古屋場所 | Nagoya (July) tournament |
同部屋 | wrestlers from the same stable |
部屋頭 | highest ranked wrestler in a stable |
部屋持ちの親方 | coach who owns his own stable |
部屋別総当り | rule prohibiting match-ups between wrestlers from the same stable |
ちゃんこ屋 | chanko restaurant, often owned by former sumo wrestler |
こぼし屋 零し屋 | grump, heat merchant |
ごみ屋 塵屋 | ragman, garbage man, garbage collector |
屋上架屋 | gilding the lily, adding redundant things |