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等 : Etc.
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etc., and so forth, class (first), quality, equal, similar
ひと.しい など -ら
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 竹 (118) |
Usage Rating: | 798 |
Unicode: | 07b49 |
jis208: | 37-89 |
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等 Usage examples
勲等 | the Order of Merit |
等々 等等 | etc., et cetera, and so on |
一等陸士 1等陸士 | private first-class |
家具等 | furniture and the like |
降等 | demotion |
等を分ける | to grade, to classify |
奴等 | they, those guys |
私等には | for the likes of me |
等方 | isotropic |
等方的 | isotropic |
等位構造 | coordinate structure |
一等地 1等地 | best (residential) district (in town) |
工業高等専門学校 | technical junior college |
高等科 | advanced course |
高等生物 | higher forms of life |
初等数学 | elementary mathematics |
男女平等 | gender equality, equal rights for both sexes, equality of the sexes |
特等席 | special seat, box seat |
等しく | equally, evenly, similarly, alike |
公害等調整委員会 | Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission |
あいつ等 彼奴等 | they |
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR |
彼女等 | they (females), them |
等幅 | fixed-width (e.g. font) |
等幅フォント | fixed-width font, typewriter font |
真秀等 | great and splendid land (Yamato word), excellent location, splendid place |
真秀等間 | great and splendid land (Yamato word), excellent location, splendid place |
対等関係 | relationship of equality, (being) on an equal footing |
等 | nominalizing suffix, and the like, and followers, et al., pluralizing suffix |
其処等辺 | hereabouts, around there, that area |
此方人等 | I, we |
等呼 | denghu (phonetic method of classifying Chinese finals) |
等価交換 | fair exchange, equivalent exchange, exchange of equal value |
二等車 2等車 | second class carriage |
こいつ等 此奴等 | these guys, these fellows |
特別高等警察 | Special Higher Police (1911-1945), police unit controlling political thought and expression |
高等工業学校 | higher technical school |
拷問等禁止条約 | Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment |
連立不等式 | simultaneous inequalities |
一等航海士 | first mate, first officer |
不等辺三角形 | scalene (triangle), triangle having three sides of different lengths, inequilateral triangle |
一等最初 | first off, first thing |
銃砲刀剣類所持等取締法 | Swords and Firearms Control Law (1958) |