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逃 : Escape
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escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free
に.げる に.がす のが.す のが.れる
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 931 |
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逃 Usage examples
言い逃れる 言逃れる | to explain away, to excuse oneself, to evade |
逃げ切る | to get away, to manage to hold on |
逃れ出る | to scuttle off, to take flight |
逃げ去る | to take flight, to disappear |
逃げ後れる | to fail to escape |
逃げ帰る | to scurry home, to run home, to fly back |
逃げ隠れる | to run away and hide |
機会を逃す | to miss a chance, to miss an opportunity |
好機を逃す | to let an opportunity slip |
資本逃避 | capital flight |
逃げ馬 逃馬 | front-runner |
逃亡生活 | life on the run |
責任逃れ | avoiding or dodging responsibility |
やり逃げ 遣り逃げ | breaking off contact with someone after having sex with them, hit it and quit it, fuck and chuck |
三十六計逃げるに如かず 三十六計逃げるにしかず | the smartest thing in a tight situation is to beat a retreat |
逃避文学 | escapist literature |