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頭 : Head
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head, counter for large animals
あたま かしら -がしら かぶり
かみ がみ ちゃん つむり づ
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 頁 (181) |
Usage Rating: | 433 |
Unicode: | 0982d |
jis208: | 38-12 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
頭 Usage examples
叩頭 | kowtow (bow made from a kneeling position wherein the forehead touches the ground) |
白髪頭 | gray or silver haired (grey) |
座頭 | leader of a troupe |
座頭 | masseur (usu. blind) |
座頭鯨 | humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) |
寡頭政治 | oligarchy |
獅子頭 | Japanese deer fern (Blechnum nipponicum) |
頭が固い 頭がかたい | thickheaded, obstinate, inflexible, stubborn |
頭が悪い 頭がわるい | slow, weak-headed, dumb |
頭に入れる 頭にいれる | to keep in mind, to memorize |
頭の良い 頭のよい | bright, intelligent |
頭の冴え | bright intelligence |
頭を下げる | to bow to, to yield to, to admire |
網頭 | kanji "net" radical |
頭遣い | puppeteer for the head |
稼ぎ頭 | breadwinner, biggest earner |
岩頭 巌頭 | top of a massive rock |
頭が高い | haughty |
先頭伍 | leading file |
柄頭 | pommel |
釘頭 | nailhead |
頭囲 | head measurement |
濁った頭 | light head, vague head |
白頭翁 | windflower, white-haired old man |
人の頭に立つ | to stand at the head of others |
峰頭 | summit of a peak |
白頭鷲 | bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) |
巻頭言 | foreword, preface, prefatory note |
出頭命令 | (issuing) order requiring somebody to report personally (to a police station), subpoena |
店頭販売 | over-the-counter sales, selling over the counter |
尖頭 せん頭 | point, pointed end, cusp |
鳥頭 | traditional bugaku hat, wolfsbane, monkshood |
八つ頭 八頭 | form of taro, yam |
葉鶏頭 | tampala, Amaranthus tricolor |
芋頭 | tubercle |
咽頭結膜熱 | pharyngoconjunctival fever |
隠頭花序 | hypanthium |
寡頭制 | oligarchy |
兜頭巾 | helmet-shaped hood |
街頭犯罪 | street crime |
水頭症 | hydrocephalus |
店頭株市場 | over-the-counter market |
一頭地を抜く | to cut a conspicuous figure, to be by far the best |
頭記 | abovementioned item, description at beginning of (this) text or document |
若い者頭 | functionary charged with training and organizing young wrestlers |