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闘 : Fight
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fight, war
たたか.う あらそ.う
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 門 (169) |
Usage Rating: | 751 |
Unicode: | 095d8 |
jis208: | 38-14 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
闘 Usage examples
経済闘争 | economic struggles |
熱闘 | fierce fighting |
職場闘争 | labor unrest, labour unrest |
孤軍奮闘 | fighting alone |
困難と闘う | to contend with difficulties |
闘志を燃やす | to burn with combativeness |
闘志満々 闘志満満 | brimming with fighting spirit, being strong in the will to fight, burning with combativeness |
力戦奮闘 | fighting up against, making strenuous efforts |
善戦苦闘 | putting up a good fight against some odds |
奮闘努力 | all-out effort, strenuous efforts |
闘争心 | belligerence, fighting spirit |
剣闘士 | gladiator |
敵性戦闘員 | enemy combatant |
健闘むなしく 健闘空しく 健闘虚しく | fighting in vain |
戦闘ロボ | battle robot, war robot |