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導 : Guidance
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guidance, leading, conduct, usher
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 寸 (41) |
Usage Rating: | 354 |
Unicode: | 05c0e |
jis208: | 38-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
導 Usage examples
熱伝導 | heat conduction |
導因 | incentive, inducement |
導き手 | guide |
導波管定数 | waveguide constant |
導入部 | (musical) introduction |
主要部先導型 | head-initial |
行政指導 | administrative guidance |
指導員 | instructor, advisor, adviser |
指導力 | (lack) leadership qualities |
生活指導 | civic guidance, non-curricular educational guidance, medical guidance |
伝導体 | conductor, transmitter |
熱伝導率 | thermal conductivity |
誘導電動機 | induction motor |
アモルファス半導体 | amorphous semiconductor |
ガリウム砒素半導体 ガリウムひ素半導体 | gallium arsenide semiconductor |
プログラム誘導 | program guidance, programme guidance |
化合物半導体 | compound semiconductor |
仮導管 | tracheid |
慣性誘導 | inertial guidance |
極右指導者 | far-right leader |
工業主導型経済 | industrial-led economy |
政治的指導者 | political leader |
野党指導者 | opposition leader |
輸出主導型経済 | export-driven economy |
指導の下に | under the guidance of, under the leadership of |
超電導磁気浮上式鉄道 超伝導磁気浮上式鉄道 | superconducting maglev train |
常電導磁気浮上式鉄道 | non-superconducting maglev train |
導波路 | waveguide (usually optical) |
導光板 | light guide, light-guiding plate, LGP, light-guiding panel |
官僚主導 | initiative taken by bureaucrats in the drafting of government policies and bills (rather than by politicians) |
政治主導 | initiative taken by politicians (in the formulation of a policy or bill) (rather than by bureaucrats) |
電磁誘導 | electromagnetic induction |
引導を渡す | to give someone their final notice (e.g. when firing them), to give someone the final word |
魔導師 魔導士 | sorcerer, wizard, mage |
生徒指導 | student guidance, student counseling |
学習指導 | educational guidance |
就職指導 | career counseling (counselling) |