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童 : Juvenile
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Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 立 (117) |
Usage Rating: | 1138 |
Unicode: | 07ae5 |
jis208: | 38-24 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
童 Usage examples
欠食児童 | schoolchild without lunch |
童話作家 | writer of stories for children |
国連児童基金 | UNICEF |
児童虐待 | child abuse |
児童手当 | child-care allowance |
児童相談所 | child consultation center, child consultation centre |
児童売春 | child prostitution |
座敷童 座敷童子 | protective household deity in Tohoku, appearing as a red-faced child spirit with bobbed-hair |
山童 | one-eyed mountain spirit |
女の童 | girl |
中童子 | temple pageboy |
児童心理学者 | child psychologist |