頌徳 | eulogy |
徳川家 | the House of Tokugawa, the Tokugawas |
徳川勢 | Tokugawa forces |
徳用瓶 | economy bottle |
徳を行う | to practice virtue, to practise virtue |
勿れ主義の道徳 | negative virtues |
悪徳政治家 | corrupt politician |
性道徳 | sexual morality |
政治道徳 | political morality |
道徳上 | morally, from the moral point of view |
道徳劇 | morality play |
道徳的空白 | moral vacuum |
徳俵 | 4 bales on the edge of the ring set slightly back |
悪徳商法 | unscrupulous (crooked, fraudulent) business practices, pernicious sales methods |
因習道徳 | conventional morality (morals) |
実践道徳 | practical ethics (morality) |
仁義道徳 | humanity and justice, benevolence and righteousness |
人倫道徳 | ethics and morality |
知徳円満 | having both (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue |
知徳兼備 | having both (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue |
知徳合一 | the unity of knowledge and virtue |
道徳堅固 | of strict morals (moral principles), highly moral |
道徳退廃 | moral decadence (decline, corruption) |
徳政一揆 | uprising (during the Muromachi period) demanding debt cancellation orders |
福徳円満 | being perfectly happy and prosperous, wealth and happiness |
三徳包丁 | all-purpose kitchen knife, santoku knife |
徳 | profit, benefit, advantage |
天徳 | Tentoku era (957.10.27-961.2.16) |
長徳 | Choutoku era (995.2.22-999.1.13) |
寛徳 | Kantoku era (1044.11.24-1046.4.14) |
応徳 | Outoku era (1084.2.7-1087.4.7) |
承徳 | Joutoku era (1097.11.21-1099.8.28) |
徳治 | Tokuji era (1306.12.14-1308.10.9) |
元徳 | Gentoku era (1329.8.29-1331.8.9) |
建徳 | Kentoku era (of the Southern Court) (1370.7.24-1372.4.?) |
永徳 | Eitoku era (of the Northern Court) (1381.2.24-1384.2.27) |
志徳 | Shitoku era (of the Northern Court) (1384.2.27-1387.8.23) |
宝徳 | Houtoku era (1449.7.28-1452.7.25) |
享徳 | Kyoutoku era (1452.7.25-1455.7.25) |
延徳 | Entoku era (1489.8.21-1492.7.19) |
正徳 | Shoutoku era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22) |
承徳 | Shoutoku era, Joutoku era (1097.11.21-1099.8.28) |
恩徳 | grace, blessing, compassion |
早起きは三文の徳 | the early bird gets the worm |
徳利投げ | two-handed head twist down |