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独 : Single
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single, alone, spontaneously, Germany
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 365 |
Unicode: | 072ec |
jis208: | 38-40 |
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独 Usage examples
和独辞典 | Japanese-German dictionary |
学の独立 | freedom of learning |
駐独 | stationed in Germany |
独探 | German spy |
日独伊 | Japan, Germany and Italy |
貝独楽 | spinning top (traditionally made of Japanese babylon shell) |
一党独裁 | one-party rule |
独裁国家 | dictatorship, despotism |
独身生活 | life of a bachelor |
独善主義 | self-righteousness |
独立戦争 | American Revolutionary War, War of Independence |
独り身 | unmarried man (woman) |
独活 | udo (plant related to ginseng, used in medicine and cooking) (Aralia cordata) |
独航船 | independent fishing boat |
プロレタリア独裁 | proletarian dictatorship |
軍事独裁政権 | military dictatorship |
独裁支配 | autocratic rule |
独裁主義者 | authoritarian |
独裁政権 | dictatorship |
独唱会 | vocal recital |
独立国家共同体 | Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS |
独立発電事業者 | independent power producer, IPP |
独り天狗 | self-conceited person, ego-tripper, swelled head |
古今独歩 | unsurpassed in history |
独立独行 | self-reliance |
英独 | Britain and Germany |
独立行政法人 | independent administrative corporation (institution, agency) |
独り稽古 | practicing by oneself, self-instruction |
独立自存 | independence and self-reliance |
不羈独立 | free and independent |
独り言つ | to talk to oneself, to mutter |
独りごちる 独り言ちる | to talk to oneself, to mutter |
独居房 | solitary confinement |
数独 | sudoku, number puzzle in which digits may only occur once per block |
抗独 | anti-German |
日独伊三国軍事同盟 | Tripartite Pact (between Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII) |
日本独自 | Japan-specific |
民族独立 | tribal independence |
独尊 | self-conceit, vainglory |
独活の大木 | good for nothing (of people) |
自主独往 | independent way of life |
単独行動主義 | unilateralism |
単独主義 | unilateralism |
独身男 | bachelor (usu. without a girlfriend), single male |
独身男性 | bachelor, single male |
独男 | (2-ch term) lonely heart, male virgin, loser, geek |
独自開発 | independently developed, proprietary |
独立家屋 | single or detached house |
独立住宅 | single or detached house |