購読者 | subscriber, reader, buyer |
一読の価値が有る 一読の価値がある | to be worth reading |
音で読む | to read kanji in the on reading |
読者の声 | readers voice |
読解力 | reading comprehension, ability to read and understand |
必読書 | must-read (book), required reading |
人の心を読む | to guess what a person is thinking |
再び読む | to reread, to read again |
回し読み | reading a book in turn |
読み上げ算 | having the figures read aloud by another person, calculation by abacus |
読み終わる 読み終る | to finish reading, to read through |
読みづらい 読み辛い | hard to read |
読み損じる | to fail to read correctly |
読みつける 読み付ける 読付ける | to be accustomed to reading |
読み良い 読みいい 読みよい | easy to read |
符号解読 | decoding |
読み取り機 読取機 読み取り器 読取り機 読取器 読取り器 | (computer) reader, reading device |
失読症 | dyslexia |
深読み | reading too much into (what ... says) |
空で読む そらで読む | recite from memory |
読み掛ける 読掛ける 読みかける | to begin to read, to leaf through a book |
読み仮名 読みがな | kana indicating the pronunciation of kanji, furigana |
熟読玩味 | reading carefully with appreciation, giving (something) a careful perusal |
返読点 | word-order marks used to assist reading of Chinese classics |
読み下し文 | transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese |
一読三嘆 一読三歎 | a reading leaves one with ceaseless sighs of admiration |
一読呆然 | a (single) reading (a perusal) leaves one dumbfounded |
読書三到 | using mind, mouth and eyes to understand a book fully |
読書三余 | winter, night, and rainy weather, the ideal conditions for reading |
読書百遍 | Repeated reading (makes the meaning clear), Reading something again and again (will lead one to realize its meaning) |
既読 | already read |
流し読み | skimming (a book, etc.) |
読み札 読札 | cards with words or phrases written on them, used in Japanese karuta games |
門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む | you learn, without realising it, from what is around you, a young monk outside the gate can read sutras he has never studied |
難読語 | difficult word |
慣用読み | reading of a word or kanji using its customary pronunciation (which is not necessarily correct) |
論語読みの論語知らず | a mere scholar, unable to practically use what he has learned, someone who knows a theory, but cannot apply it |