企業内組合 | enterprise union, company union, in-house union |
白内障 | cataract (opacity in lens of eye) |
内ポケット | inside pocket |
案内書呈 | presentation of a guidebook |
内の会社 | our company |
権限内に | within the scope of authority |
現内閣 | present cabinet |
御府内 ご府内 | within the town limits of Edo |
新内閣 | new Cabinet |
内縁の妻 | de facto wife, common-law wife |
内角球 | insider, inside ball |
内臓弓 | visceral arch |
房の内 | inside of a chamber |
若い内 | period of youth, while young |
湾内 | inside the bay |
内的根拠 | internal ground |
内安打 | infield hit |
意味内容 | semantic content (of a term), meaning (of a sentence) |
営業案内 | business guide, catalogue |
企業内教育 | corporate in-service training |
議院内閣制 | parliamentary system of government |
国内事情 | internal (domestic) affairs |
国内線 | domestic air route, domestic airline (company) |
国内法 | municipal (civic) law, domestic law, national law |
市内観光 | city sights |
市内通話 | intra-city telephone call, local call |
室内管弦楽団 | chamber orchestra |
車内改札 | inspection of tickets in the car (carriage) |
車内灯 | interior light (train, etc.) |
場内放送 | (announcement over) the public address system (e.g. in stadium) |
内線電話 | extension telephone |
内線番号 | extension number |
内臓疾患 | internal disease |
内部構造 | inner structure, internal anatomy |
内ゲバ | violence within a (student) sect, internal strife |
アフタ性口内炎 | stomatitis aphthosa |
スペイン内戦 | Spanish Civil War |
閣内相 | Cabinet ministers |
内閣官房 | Cabinet Secretariat |
内閣府 | Cabinet Office |
国内外 | domestic and foreign, inside and outside the country |
社内外 | inside and outside the company |
表内 | inside a table or list |
内鮮一体 | Japan and Korea as one (slogan from 1910-1945) |
気管内チューブ | tracheal tube |
県内市外通話 | intraprefectural call |
暫定内閣 | caretaker government |
市内通話料金 | intra-city telephone rate, local-call rate |
社内弁護士 | in-house lawyer |
対内投資 | inward investment |
党内派閥 | intra-party faction |
内科学 | internal medicine |
内閣改造 | cabinet reshuffle, cabinet shake-up |
内閣支持率 | cabinet support rate |
内部監査 | internal audit |
内部監査人 | internal auditor |
内部調査 | internal inspection |
脳内出血 | brain hemorrhage, brain haemorrhage |
委内瑞拉 | Venezuela |