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軟 : Soft
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Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 車 (159) |
Usage Rating: | 1269 |
Unicode: | 08edf |
jis208: | 38-80 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
軟 Usage examples
軟口蓋 | soft palate |
軟文学 | love story, erotic literature |
軟水 | soft water |
軟式庭球 | softball tennis |
軟式野球 | softball |
軟体動物 | mollusc, mollusk |
軟投 | soft pitch |
軟泥 | sludge |
軟性下疳 | soft chancre |
軟便 | loose or soft stool |
軟風 | gentle breeze |
軟骨組織 | cartilage tissue |
軟骨魚類 | cartilaginous fishes, chondrichthyans |
軟球 | soft ball, rubber ball |
軟禁 | lenient confinement or house arrest |
軟鉄 | soft iron |
軟論 | weak argument |
軟質 | softness |
軟鋼 | mild steel |
軟らかい文章 | informal style |
軟らかな光 | soft light |
硬軟両派 | stalwart and insurgent factions |
亜鉛華軟膏 | zinc oxide ointment |
軟判定識別器 | soft-decision discriminator |
自宅軟禁 | house arrest |
柔軟思考 | a flexible way of thinking |
柔軟路線 | (taking) a flexible approach (to) |
軟弱外交 | weak foreign policy, weak-kneed diplomacy |
軟弱路線 | weak-hearted approach, soft line, easier way (route) |
軟禁状態 | (state of) house arrest, (state of) confinement |
軟膜 | pia mater (membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) |
甲状軟骨 | thyroid cartilage |
環状軟骨 | cricoid cartilage |