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如 : Likeness
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likeness, like, such as, as if, better, best, equal
き ね ゆき よし
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 女 (38) |
Usage Rating: | 1704 |
Unicode: | 05982 |
jis208: | 39-01 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
如 Usage examples
雲霞の如く | in swarms |
胆斗の如し | being as bold as a lion |
如是 | ten thusnesses (in Tendai) |
如是我聞 | thus I hear (quote from the sutras), these ears have heard |
如才 | smart, sharp, clever, skillful, adroit |
如何にも | (not) in any way, in no way |
如何なく 如何無く | amply, sufficiently, fully, completely, all out |
心身一如 身心一如 | body and mind as one, mind-body unity |
形影一如 | being inseparable as a form and its shadow, husband and wife being never apart |
邪正一如 | Wrong and right are but two faces of the same coin |
生死一如 | Life and death are the two faces of the same coin |
突如異変 | sudden and dramatic event (incident), sudden and strange phenomenon |
如意自在 | freely, in complete control of, with complete freedom, at will, as one pleases |
如実知見 | perceiving reality as it is, true awareness of reality |
如法暗夜 | total (utter) darkness |
物心一如 | Matter and mind are one, body and mind as one |
如何にして | how, in what way |
大日如来 | Vairocana, Mahavairocana (Bliss Body of the historical Gautama Buddha), Dainichi Buddha, Nyorai Buddha |
注意力欠如障害 | attention-deficit disorder, ADD |
三十六計逃げるに如かず | the smartest thing in a tight situation is to beat a retreat |
突如として | suddenly, all of a sudden |
如何とも | one way or the other, either way |
如何とでも | one way or the other, either way |
百聞は一見に如かず | seeing is believing, one eye-witness is better than many hearsays, a picture is worth a thousand words |
如かず | being best, being no match for |
如何な | no matter what, however much |
如露如電 | existence (as we perceive it) is as mutable and incorporeal as is the morning dew or a flash of lightning |