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忍 : Endure
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endure, bear, put up with, conceal, secrete, spy, sneak
しの.ぶ しの.ばせる
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 1700 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
忍 Usage examples
忍び入る | to steal or sneak or slip into |
声を忍ばせて | in a subdued voice |
忍びがたい 忍び難い | intolerable, unbearable |
忍具 | ninja implement (shuriken, etc.) |
忍び出し | sneaking out, creeping out |
忍び出す | to sneak out, to creep out |
陰忍 | camouflaged ninja |
下忍 | low-ranking ninja |
忍び刀 | Ninja sword |
忍び文字 | Ninja script |
上忍 | Ninja clan master, highest-ranking ninja |
中忍 | ninja commander |
忍刀 | Ninja sword |
抜け忍 抜忍 | runaway ninja, fugitive ninja |
陽忍 | ninja working in the open, non-undercover ninja |
隠忍自重 | (behaving with) patience and prudence, putting up with something |
残忍酷薄 | cruel, brutal, atrocious, merciless |
堅忍持久 | dogged perseverance, untiring patience |
残忍非情 | utterly callous, atrociously brutal, cruel and inhuman |
残忍非道 | cruel and inhuman, brutal, merciless |
残忍冷酷 | atrocious and cold-blooded, cruel, brutal, merciless |
忍冬 | Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) |
行者忍辱 | Alpine leek (Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum) |
忍 | endurance, forbearance, patience, self-restraint |
忍び六具 | the six tools of the ninja |
人目を忍ぶ | to avoid being seen, to be clandestine |
忍びない | cannot bring oneself (to do, etc.) |