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認 : Acknowledge
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acknowledge, witness, discern, recognize, appreciate, believe
みと.める したた.める
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 198 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
認 Usage examples
誤りを認める | to admit to a mistake |
必要と認める | to judge as necessary |
認めがたい 認め難い | unapprovable |
要確認 | confirmation required |
承認図 | approved plan or drawing |
事実誤認 | mistake of fact |
認証式 | attestation (investiture) ceremony |
認知心理学 | cognitive psychology |
認定証 | certificate |
未確認情報 | unconfirmed information |
無認識 | unrecognized, unrecognised, lack of recognition |
無認可 | unapproved, lack of approval |
外国為替公認銀行 | authorized foreign exchange bank, authorised foreign exchange bank |
軽度認識障害 | mild cognitive impairment, MCI |
認知行動療法 | cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy |
認知療法 | cognitive therapy |
認定投票 | approval voting |
認印 | private seal, personal seal, unregistered seal, informal seal, signet |
許認可権 | ministerial authority to grant permits and approvals |
現実認識 | accepting (acknowledging) the reality |
確認の上 | after checking, after verification |
音声認識 | voice recognition, speech recognition |
音認 | voice recognition, speech recognition |
在留資格認定証明書 | Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status |
未確認 | unconfirmed, unidentified |
認知症 | cognitive impairment, senility, dementia |
誤認識 | misrecognition, mistaking (x for y) |
視認 | confirm by sight, sighting, eyeballing |
視認性 | visibility |
出入国管理及び難民認定法 | Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act |
要介護認定 | primary nursing care requirement authorization (a 5-level graded system under health insurance) |
介護認定 | nursing care authorization |
認定医 | certified physician |
リスク認知 | risk perception |
認知的不協和 | cognitive dissonance |
メタ認知 | metacognition |
確認者 | verifier, identifier, confirmor, confirming party |
公認欠席 | authorized absence, permission of absence from class(es) |
公認欠席届 公認欠席届け | absence permission slip, authorized absence form |
売渡確認書 | sale confirmation |
歴史認識 | historical awareness, understanding of history |