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熱 : Heat
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heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 灬 (86) |
Usage Rating: | 700 |
Unicode: | 071b1 |
jis208: | 39-14 |
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熱 Usage examples
熱処理 | heat treatment |
熱気 | feverish |
熱伝導 | heat conduction |
熱汚染 | thermal pollution |
熱波 | heat wave |
熱性 | excitable disposition |
熱発 | fever |
熱風 | hot wind |
熱風炉 | hot-blast stove |
熱型 | type of fever |
熱度 | degree of heat, temperature, enthusiasm |
熱砂 | hot sand |
熱射病 | heatstroke |
熱涙 | hot tears |
熱帯低気圧 | tropical cyclone |
熱帯夜 | sultry night, sweltering night |
熱帯林 | tropical forest |
熱帯病 | tropical disease |
熱容量 | heat capacity |
熱核反応 | thermonuclear reaction |
熱球 | smoking pitch |
熱量計 | calorimeter |
熱傷 | burn |
熱源 | heat source |
熱感 | feverish |
熱誠 | earnestness |
熱雷 | heat thunderstorm |
熱電対 | thermocouple |
熱演 | enthusiastic performance |
熱器具 | heater |
熱賛 | ardent praise |
熱闘 | fierce fighting |
熱願 | ardent desire |
白熱灯 | incandescent lamp |
白熱戦 | furious fighting |
泉熱 | Izumi fever (resembles scarlet fever) |
新熱帯区 | Neotropical (region), Neotropics |
熱い仲 | mutual attraction, being in love. |
風邪による発熱 風邪に因る発熱 | fever caused by a cold |
感熱剤 | heat sensitizer, heat sensitiser |
耐熱性 | heat-resisting property |
投機熱 | speculation fever |
熱血児 | hot-blooded man |
熱しやすい 熱し易い | excitable |
熱延 | hot rolling |
熱原子核 | thermal nucleus |
熱を上げる | to become enthusiastic, to have a crush (on) |
熱を伝える | to conduct heat |
融熱 | heat of fusion |
亜熱帯気候 | subtropical climate |
亜熱帯高気圧 | subtropical anticyclone |
亜熱帯植物 | subtropical plants |
亜熱帯林 | subtropical forest |
熱雲 | glowing cloud |
熱交換器 | heat exchanger |
熱帯植物 | tropical plant |
熱伝導率 | thermal conductivity |
輻射熱 | radiant heat, photothermal |